Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Auto Advertising Off Line

Off Line Advertising
By Trina L.C. Schiller

Plenty of off line businesses market online. The Internet opened new doors for brick and mortar businesses in the area of marketing and advertising. The Internet put more people within the reach of business owners large and small. The Internet provides many with an outstanding ROI (return on investment).

But, have you ever considered advertising your online business off line? There is no reason why an online business owner cannot produce results through the use of off line advertising.

I'm not talking about high dollar television spots, or radio air time, or expensive print campaigns. I am referring to some relatively inexpensive off line campaigns.

For example... I keep seeing those RVs and cars cruising around, with mural advertisements on them. You know... those get a car free for driving our ad deals. Drive our billboard around and have we'll pick up the tab... I saw at least 3 of them, while driving through Mesa Verde National Park this summer.

As effective as this advertising method probably is, it is an expensive proposition, to say the least. This is seriously high end advertising, requiring a healthy budget.

Now, on the low end, you have something as simple as bumper stickers. They aren't too expensive, and you can hand them out for free to everyone. Heck, even people who don't drive, collect bumper stickers. However, there are people don't like stickers on their vehicles, Getting them back off again is a nightmare, and leaving them on your vehicle reduces its resale (trade-in) value. They fade over time, and you will most likely have to give them away for free. Still, they are a valid option.

Now, there is a reason why I am focusing on automobile advertising, and not custom business cards, or something else of that nature. Cars go places. More people notice your car than you; whether they are behind you in traffic, or walking past your car in a parking lot.

Business cards, pens, even bumper stickers, have to be distributed in some fashion. You have to put them in the hands of people in order for them to be effective.

So here's a thought...

Why not make your own vehicle your advertisement, so that others can see it every time you go somewhere? Think of it... each time you leave your car parked in the lot, while you run in for groceries, everyone who walks, or drives by your car will be exposed to your business. You don't have to print anything, distribute anything, and you don't have to cough up big bucks for a custom paint job either.

I found a great web site! You can order custom ID plates for your car. For less than $50.00, you can order an ID plate advertising your .com, your business name and phone number, whatever you want! You can even order vanity plates for your #1 Mom, or Dad too.

custom id plates The type of ID plate I am referring to is similar to the one the car dealership sticks on the back of your trunk lid, to let everyone know where you bought the car. You drive around advertising for the dealer, why not for yourself?

The product itself is nicely crafted, in your choice of two metallic finishes, and it costs less than $50.00! That is an incredible advertising deal.

At under $50.00, you really can't go wrong. The price is absolutely budgetable, the advertising is permanent, and the exposure is phenomenal. Unless of course, you never leave home.

How much would you spend on these typical marketing items:
- business cards - $75.00 & up
- promotional pens - $150.00& up
- beverage mugs - $0.65 to $4.00 each (you do the math)
- hats & caps - $4.00 + each
- key chains - $400.00 & up

Whereas all of these items are very popular for advertising, they can be very costly, require replenishment, and distribution.

The custom ID plate is a one time investment that demands no effort on your part to display. Clearly, thisis an affordable and noticable way to advertise your business to the real world, and capture some off line sales.

Copyright © 2005
The Trii-Zine Ezine

Trina L.C. Schiller : About the Author

Keywords: custom id plates, off line advertising, auto advertising, advertising

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